बिजया दशमी, २०६६

September 27, 2009

बिजया दशमी २०६६ को पावन अबसरमा २००९ सेप्टेम्बर २७ तारिकमा NSA- WSU ले आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रम निकै भव्यताका साथ सम्पन्न भयो! यसै अवसरमा Washington State University मा 2009 fall session मा पढन आउनु भएका नया साथीहरुलाइ NSA, WSU ले स्वागत को पनि कार्यक्रम गर्यो!!

NSA-WSU Vijaya Dashami, 2066

NSA WSU Dashain, 2066

NSA WSU Dashain, 2066

September 19, 2009

बडा दशै २०६६ को सुखद्-उपल्क्ष्यमा

हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभ-कामना !!!!

देवी नवदुर्गा भवानिले हामी र हाम्रा परिवार तथा

समस्त मित्रजनहरु प्रति

मेलमिलाप, सु-स्वास्थ्य, प्रगति


मनका असल चाहना पुरा गरुन !!!!

यही खुशीयालिमा यहाँ हामी सबैले एक्-आपसमा शुभ-कामना आदान-प्रदान गरौ !!!!!!!!!!!!

बधाई छ अधिकारी परिवारलाई !

September 18, 2009

यहि सेप्टेम्बर १८ तरिख शुक्रबार बिहान ३:१० मा हाम्रा श्रद्देय मित्रजन अच्युत अधिकारी र मुना अधिकारीज्युको परिवारमा नयाँ सदस्यको आगमन भएको छ । अच्युतजी, मुनाजी र प्रणाम , बधाई छ!

मुनाजी र प्रनभ बाबुको सुस्वास्थ्यको कामना सहित् ।

अच्युतजीको सम्पर्क फोन नम्बर: ५०९-७१५-९२७५.


जादु हो कि साच्चै?

September 17, 2009

– Ramji Bhandari

मैले यो एउटा फोटो ब्लगमा भेट्टाएँ, अरु फोटाहरु तल लेखेको ब्लगमा छन, फुर्सत मा हेर्नु होला। मलाई चाहि अचम्म लाग्यो, तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्यो लेख्नुहोला !


Source: http://www.photoblog.com/farley/2009/09/17/

Up-all night at WSU: Friday 09/11

September 9, 2009

Dear  NSA members,

This is surprisingly a short notice and I just came to know about this event just two hours ago. Student entertainment board is going to organize an International up all night event on this Friday (Sept – 11) starting from 8:00 pm. We didn’t get any information about this earlier, but as soon as I came to know about this, I talked to Stephenie and collected the types of activities taking place there and I also attend a short meeting there. There in the meeting, I came to know that if we are interested we can still participate on that event (it’s not late for them). So, I requested her to provide a stall for us (NSA) and I also registered for one dance (nepalese dance in Nepalese music or Nepalese song – either one). Unlike the other international up all night events in the past, this year fashion show is going to perform only by two student organizations ( Korean and I forgot the another one). Since we didn’t have a time to discuss and arrange for fashion show, I didn’t tell her that we can participate on the fashion show. They are goign to provide a big table (stall) where we’ll display items that represent the arts and culture of Nepal. The table is about 5ft x 7ft size (roughly). So, if you have anything that displays the art and cultural aspects of Nepal, please give them to Bhim Thapa ji. He is very happy to collect them and will return them once the program is finished. Please contribute actively. About the dance show, lets discuss about it. We need to provide them either the Nepalese music or Nepalese song (on which our member/ members is/are going to dance) no later than late afternoon of Friday (Sept – 11) and this should be in a CD (tape or youtube is not acceptable). I expect at least some of our NSA members have an ardent desire for participating in a dance show. I am sorry that I got a very very short notice about this event and couldn’t discuss with all of you about which event we should participate. In whatever event I have registered for NSA performance is solely from my wisdom on such a short span of time. I expect very active and enthusiastic role from all of you.

Thank you.

Prabodh Dhakal.
(Nepalese Student Association – WSU)

September 4, 2009


बधाई !!

September 1, 2009

हेमनाथ घिमिरे,
बाहुन डाँडा, लमजुङ ।
बधाई छ रामजी-पूजा, बधाई छ निहा ।
अर्की लक्ष्मी आइन घर प्यारी सानी निभा ।।
हाम्रा प्यारा निहा-निभा आखाका यी नानी ।
बढ्दै जाउन, पढ्दै जाउन भई धेरै ज्ञानी ।।१।।

गीत गाइ निहा नाच्दा शरद त्यों नाच्छ ।
सानी निभा मुस्काउदा बसन्त नै हास्छ ।।
प्यारो मित्र दम्पतिका मुस्कानका मूल ।
शरद र बसन्तका दुई थुंगा फूल ।।२।।

बढ्दै जाउन शुक्ल पक्षे जुन बढे सरि ।
जीवन होस सधै भरि पूर्णिमा जसरि ।।
हेम-लीला तर्फबाट सदा शुभ-इच्छा ।
सौरभ र गौरवको माया मिठो सच्चा ।।३।।
(पेराक, मलेसिया २०६६ साउन ३२ गते)